DNI if <12 or >20*

Insta: @_ksart._


he / they / voi / end / it

use all pronouns


Tiktok: @kapricity

*please refer to the DNI section for more info


  • I’m Hyperfixated on Technoblade and Ranboo, along with the dsmp/MCYTs in general

  • Please tag Ranboo, Dream, BBH, Techno neg

  • I’m less likely to follow back if you don’t have a carrd or descriptive bio. Recent tweets will also help me decide.


  • Homophobe, abeliest, transphobe, racist etc.

  • If you think tone indicators are stupid/useless

  • Don’t support Neo pronouns

  • If you’re under 12. If you’re over 20, be mindful of what you say or how you interact as I am a minor. Still aloud to be here though :D

  • Don’t call me cute, other appearance compliments are okay but not cute


  • Don’t be weird (ex. search for personal information)

  • Don’t use she/her pronouns if we aren't close

  • Don’t guilt trip me into RTing threads or spreading awareness

  • Please use tone indicators

  • Let me know if something needs a CW or a TW


  • I don’t tag swearing

  • Sometimes I use all caps

  • I don’t tag anything related to food/food items

  • He/him √

  • She/her - only if you're close

  • They/them √

  • Voi/Void √

  • End/ender √

  • It/Its √

  • Other neos √

  • Please use gender neutral terms (ex. person) - dude and bro are alright, along with sis.

  • I prefer King over Queen although Royalty is best

  • Masc and Femm compliments are okay

  • Sir is alright and sometimes Miss, all depending on context

  • Mix up my pronouns. I don’t say all for you to stick to one.

Things I’m Okay With Being Called

  • K

  • K My Beloved

  • Kapricity

  • Cosmic

  • Platonic Petnames

  • Joking insults (dumb, stupid, idiot etc.)